My Headlines

Monday, November 12, 2012

Remote Desktop Logins directly from the login screen has been enabled in Ubuntu 12.10.

Support for Remote Desktop Logins directly from the login screen has been enabled in Ubuntu 12.10.
The feature will allow you to enter a full-screen remote login without needing to login to Ubuntu itself, or install additional apps. It all happens ‘out of the box’.
Now, as if that wasn’t handy enough Canonical are also integrating Remote Login with the Ubuntu Single Sign On service.
The result of this tie-up is that you won’t need to remember endless technical logins, server hosts and passwords; you just ener your Ubuntu One account details and the greeter will pull in your Remote data.

Adding Remote Login Data

In the version of Remote Login in Ubuntu 12.10 at present you can’t use the feature without using the Ubuntu SSO method. If you just want to hammer in the details directly you can’t – you’ll still need to login to a session and use one the Remmina client.
But if you already have an Ubuntu One account then you’re all set. Hit the ‘?’ icon in the upper-right of the login box and you’ll see a set-up prompt appear.
Clicking ‘Ok’ on this launches an Ubuntu guest session, with Firefox already opened on the UCCS page.
Hit the ‘Remote Desktops’ tab, enter your Ubuntu One account details, followed by ‘ Add Remote Desktop’ button.

Three types of ‘remote’ connections are supported at present:
After you’re done adding (and you’ve remembered to hit ‘Add’) you can log out of the guest session and return to the main login screen. Here, select the ‘Remote Login’ option and enter your Ubuntu Single Sign On details.
After a brief stutter the remote desktops you added to your account will be available for you to select:

Image Credit: Ted Gould

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